FASHION,  Herrenbekleidung

Heroics by Paul Freeman

A romantic and uniformed editorial series titled Heroics captured by photographer Paul Freeman.

“A collection of over one hundred and eighty fine art photographic portraits of men captured in the classical tradition of mythologized heroism and the sometimes grandiose and dramatic poses that entailed, shot in an array of contemporary, post-modernist, neo-classic and painterly environments, in both color and warm toned black and white, reminiscent of the influences being evoked and in the tradition of fine art film photography.” quoted from Amazon : Heroics 2heroics-by-paul-freeman00003 heroics-by-paul-freeman00006 heroics-by-paul-freeman00004 heroics-by-paul-freeman00005 heroics-by-paul-freeman00014 heroics-by-paul-freeman00001 heroics-by-paul-freeman00007 heroics-by-paul-freeman00012 heroics-by-paul-freeman00009 heroics-by-paul-freeman00017 heroics-by-paul-freeman00016 heroics-by-paul-freeman00008 heroics-by-paul-freeman00002 heroics-by-paul-freeman00010

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