Jindra Čapek, a Czech artist born in 1953, is celebrated for his extraordinary ability to conjure fantastical monsters and vivid scenes of fantasy horror. His illustrations, steeped in intricate...
Félicien Rops: The Dark Allure of Symbolism and Sensuality
At the heart of Rops’ artistry lies a fascination with the human condition, its pleasures, vices, and inevitable mortality. His works, often steeped in...
Lori Nelson Brings Dreamlike Nostalgia to Life Through Painting
Her paintings feel like portals to another dimension, one shaped by personal memories, fleeting emotions, and a longing to uncover the narratives hidden in the natural world. "Painting, for me, is like discovering a diary I didn’t know I was writing,"...
John Garth 1889-1971: A Retrospective on the American Oil Painter
In San Francisco, Garth became a central figure in the local art community. He served as the art director for the Pacific Railways Advertising Company and founded the Garth School of Art, which he...
Psychedelic Distortions and Glitches Streak Across Alexis Mata’s Bold Paintings
From digital glitches to mind-bending distortions, Mexico City-based artist Alexis Mata explores how visual information gets lost or skewed as it shifts from one context to...
Artist Rebecca Chaperon: Creepy Portals Meet Charming Storybook Worlds
Each painting blends her signature mildly gothic aesthetic with psychedelic whimsy, inviting viewers to escape the...
ALT3R4TI0N’s Goth Gore Glam Illustrations
Illustrator ALT3R4TION crafts a unique blend of hauntingly gruesome and glamorous imagery, drawing inspiration from gothic aesthetics and anime influences. Their work showcases the darker side of...
Cindy Wright’s Morbid Still Lifes: Hyperrealism Meets the Macabre
Cindy Wright is a Belgian painter whose hyperrealistic works blur the boundaries between beauty and the grotesque. Renowned for her provocative still lifes, Wright captures unsettling yet captivating depictions of...
Jesse Zuo’s Paintings Explore Womanhood
the Chinese-born artist uses her first solo exhibition to delve into themes of womanhood, the body’s sensory experiences, and the emotional landscapes that define our...
Abi Castillo’s Ceramic Sculptures: Whimsical Reflections of Nature and Self
Spanish ceramic artist Abi Castillo creates enchanting sculptures that blur the line between functional art and storytelling. Her pieces, often adorned with vibrant flowers or perched birds, evoke a...
Reuben Wu’s Ethereal Light Sculptures Over Lake Michigan
Artist Reuben Wu, known for his drone-mounted laser light paintings, unveiled a striking evolution in his practice along the Lake Michigan shoreline last summer. His ongoing series SIREN introduces...