Paintings by Jansson Stegner

    An ode to slender and handsome police officers captured in artist Jansson Stegner’s paintings using his unique elongated charactered designs. From straight on portraits to posing in natures beauties. See the series below:

  • ART

    Paintings by Roberto Ferri

    Italian painter Roberto Ferri creates mythical and religious inspired portraits from winged subjects holding symbolic objects, all using classic Italian techniques. See some selected works below:

  • ART

    Cartographies by Louis De Belle

    “Cartographies is a series of photographs shot in the streets of New York. Its focus lies in reducing visual information to a minimum. Creases, sweat stains or even dirt, are the only hints one can see. They tell us about an employee’s day at the desk, a commuter’s routine on the subway or a workman’s shift. These few traces, along the folds of the different clothing, become impressions of everyday lives, eventually cartographies of everyone’s journeys.” – Louis louisdebelle.com

  • ART

    All I Own by Sannah Kvist

    Photographer Sannah Kvist creates a symbolic series tiled All I Own, where the subjects are captured with all their belongings stacked in a pile as the owners sit alongside it. See the series below: