It’s officially been conformed that the beloved quirky cartoon series Adventure Time is set to have its movie debut with Warner Bros. Film producers include Chris McKay and Roy Lee, who are best known for their box office hit The Lego Movie also including involvement form series creator Pendleton Ward in writing and other aspects. Well known celebrities that will be voicing characters include George Takei, Pee-Wee Herman’s Paul Reubens, Neil Patrick Harris, and Andy Samberg.
Mag + Art by Eisen Bernardo
Mashing together pop culture fashion magazines with famous classic artworks artist Eisen Bernardo makes us compare and contrast creativity and media. See how fittingly precise the figures coexist. way awesome See the ongoing series here
Human Candles
Completely for sale, and no worries they are just human-like. Live out your serial-killer fantasy in a safe non-committal way. Watch the body parts morbidly eventually melt and drip Manufactured by artist Anna Sternick and purchasable at her Etsy shop Uncanny Art Shop.
Totally Stain-Proof T-Shirt
2015 so far you are doing me well. Clothing company Threadsmiths has released a completly stain proof shirt. using something called hydrophobic spray liquieds literally roll off upon contact. Stock up on the inovative t-shirt “Cavelier” here. Around 50 dollars, hey not bad.
Adult Ball Pit, Finally!
Ball pits are a favorite pastime. Maybe a bit unsanitary, but adventurous nonetheless. Now as adults we long for thrill of comfortably drowning in plastic balls. Longing fulfilled! Located in Hammersmith West London, a large (adult) ball pit has opened up using 81,000 plastic balls. The installation art piece is titled “jump in” by creative agency Pearlfisher. “We decided to celebrate how childlike fun and freedom encourages and promotes pure creativity by turning part of our studio into a ball pit. It is now open to the public and we will try our best to fit you in if we can. We would kindly ask visitors to make a donation…
Schiaparelli Haute Couture S/S 2015 Paris
Jewel toned and full of quirk. Unique sometimes chic and fro friendly with unique embroidery.
Kim Kardshian Releases Cover to Selfie Book “Selfish”
Selfish? very. Awesome? yes. Kim Kardashian has released the cover for her anticipated selfie filled book titled “Selfish”, and it’s a selfie. It is said to be 352 pages and consists of the last 10 years. Kim K states on Instagram: “So proud to share the cover of my book Selfish, out in May! Thank you Rizzoli for making this happen & being the best partner. A big thank you to the Donda team & Kanye for inspiring this idea & helping to design this book so I can share a decade of selfies in such an intimate & artistic way! Can’t wait for you to all see this book! Xo #Selfish…
A Century of Black Female Beauty in 1 Minute
A time-lapsed makeup time machine. Watch the style of black women evolve from 1910 to 2010.
Dead Girl on Instagram @omgliterallydead
Yeah this boney babe might be dead, but in the era of social media and constant posts it’s hard to stay off Instagram. Go see Skellie’s familiar posts partying, getting a tan and foodie shots. Watch Dana Herlihey’s project unfold. #yolo
It’s happening! “Back To The Future” Nike Shoe
Nike confirms they are in the process of recreating the Nike of the future that self straps this year. Talk of it happening has been circling since 2011 but Nike’s innovation chief, Tinker Hatfield has officially confirmed it will happen in 2015. The shoe is called the Nike Air MAG. He refuses to set an official date or price for the shoes, but at least we have the year down.
Kate Moss Unphotoshoped by Peter Lindbergh
A recent unphotoshopped trend has been taking place in ads and editorials. From the recent Julia Roberts shoot and now Kate Moss for the recent Vogue Italia spread. See Kate and a cigarette below. Publication: Vogue Italia January 2015 Model: Kate Moss Photographer: Peter Lindbergh Fashion Editor: Clare Richardson Hair: Odile Gilbert Make-up: Stéphane Marais