• Portraits by artist Phealls Phree

    Portraits by artist Phealls Phree

    Beautifully painted portraits by artist Phealls Phree featuring gorgeous woman of color. https://twitter.com/PheallsPhree http://instagram.com/pheallsphree https://www.facebook.com/phealls.phree 2,426 notes

  • Banksy Art Removed

    Banksy Piece Removed for being “Offensive and Racist”

    No shit. Banksy’s artworks are known for their satire imagery on heavy issues and ones that get swept under the rug.  Residence from the oceanside town of Clacton-on-See in Essex were flipping when the graffiti imagery appeared on Tendring Disctric Council’s boathouse. The image presented was one of birds on a wire. A group of grey pidgins holding protesting signs reading: “MIGRANTS NOT WELCOME”,”GO BACK TO AFRICA”, and “KEEP OFF OUR WORMS” These messages harshly directed to a smaller, alone, colorful bird not to far from the pidgins. “The site was inspected by staff who agreed that it could be seen as offensive and it was removed this morning in…

  • Sculptures by Edoardo Tresoldi

    Sculptures by Edoardo Tresoldi

    Not only sculptures but installation pieces as well. Rome based artist Edoardo Tresoldi uses mesh wiring to create ghostlike transparent silhouettes and shapes of people and places most of them in public settings.  See his work below. source:

  • Guardians by Andy Freeburg
    ART,  Misc.

    Guardians by Andy Freeburg

    Women pose (guard) famous paintings and other artworks in Russian art museums. It is interesting seeing the relationship between both the artwork and the stagnate guardians.  Some pair up and complement with the art and others completely contrast. See the series below. Andy Freeberg – Guardians

  • ART

    Sweets Portraits by Photographer James Ostrer

    Photographer James Ostrer documents our obsession with sugar in a series of grotesque real life portraits of people covered in layers of sweets and junk food. Speaking largely on the to the global food production and increasingly dangerous methods of mass production, Ostrer’s photographs conjure tribal images that are both fascinating and repulsive. Via the press release, “This adornment becomes a mask of what we eat which then becomes entwined with a hyper-pop sensibility and an obsequious inquiry into the great volumes of sugar that flow through our bodies.”    

  • Identities by Can Dagarslani

    Identities by Can Dagarslani

    Sophie Bogdan, Marlene Pina seemingly sisters pose for photographer Can Dagaslani in Berlin exploring the representation of identities and in how the coincide. Identities by Can Dagarslani

  • Ruby by Emma Allen
    ART,  Misc.

    Ruby by Emma Allen

    An intricately (time consuming)  stop motion video about the continuation and beauty of reincarnation, expressed through many illustrating on her own face. “An animated self-portrait exploring the idea of rebirth and illustrating the transfer of energy from one incarnation to another. I painted this stop frame animation on myself over 5 days, using some face paints, a mirror and a camera.” Ruby from Emma Allen on Vimeo.        

  • Illustrations by Victo Ngai

    Illustrations by Victo Ngai

    Unique illustrations by artist Victo Ngai. Colorful and influenced by old Japanese print-work. No consistent themes with the separate pieces but more of  individual stories or messages captured in stand alone illustrations. source: