In an arresting black-and-white photo series, Bulgarian dancer Mihael Belilov showcases his flexibility and expressive artistry under the intimate gaze of photographer Paulio Sovari. The collaboration...
Freediver Andriy Khvetkevych Strips Down for Artist Mitchel Wayne
In a bold exploration of form and freedom, world-class Ukrainian freediver and six-time world record holder Andriy Khvetkevych @diveeasy strips down for a striking art portrait by artist Mitchel Wayne...
Sam Murphy by Jake O’Donnell
Male model Sam Murphy poses for a wake and bake editorial portrait series captured by Australlian based fashion photographer JAke O’Donnel. See the shoot below: . Model/Talent: Sam Ph: Jake O’Donnell
Graveraet Eberley by Harol Baez
Male mode Graveraet Eberley gets in some fresh water for a menswear editorial series captured by fashion photographer Harol Baez. See the shoot below:
Tucker Rajala by William Callan
Self isolation but at a lakehouse were clothing can be optional. An editorial series captured by fashion photographer William Callan starring male model Tucker Rjala. See the shoot below:
Anthony Varrecchia by Wolfgang Jager
Male model Anthony Varrecchia poses in a black and white editorial portriat series all captured by German fashion photographer Wolfgang Jager. See the shoot below:
Josh Elton by Jake O’Donnell
Fashion photographer Jake O’Donnell captures male model Josh Elton in a wet denim and lake streaking inspired editorial series. See the shoot below: Male Model: Josh Elton Photographer: Jake O’Donnell
Stephen King by Jesus Baez
Fashion photographer Jesus Baez captures a menswear editorial series starring male model Stephen King. See the shoot below:
Samy Dorgham by Marco Ovando
Male model Samy Dorgham poses for a playful editorials shoot captured by fashion photographer Marco Ovando. See the shoot below: LOVESEXO
Chris Strafford by Brenton Parry
A soot filled editorial starring male model Chris Strafford captured by fashion photographer Brenton Parry. See the shoot below:
Pablo Paker by Rafa Casares
Male model Pablo Paker poses for an intimate and simplistic editorial portrait series captured by photographer Rafa Casares. See the shoot below: