• Ruprecht von Kauffman's artwork evokes emotions, captivates viewers, and creates a sense of unease and longing. His remarkable talent lies in capturing deeply personal moments with a touch of universality, fostering a connection shared by all of humanity. His thought-provoking pieces effortlessly blend the personal and the universal, leaving a lasting impression.

    Art by Ruprecht von Kauffman

    A Berlin based painter Ruprecht von Kauffman. His artworks possess a unique ability to stir up emotions and captivate viewers with a distinct charm, deliberately aiming to create a sense of unease and longing. What sets von Kauffman apart is his remarkable talent for capturing deeply personal moments and infusing them with a touch of universality. When you gaze upon his art, you can’t help but feel a connection, as if he’s tapped into something shared by all of humanity. It’s a delicate balance that he effortlessly achieves, seamlessly blending the personal and the universal, leaving a lasting impression on anyone who encounters his thought-provoking pieces. See some selected works…

  • ART

    Art by Aistė Stancikaitė

    Recent works by Berlin-based artist Aistė Stancikaitė. featuring hot pink closeup imagery of faces and seperate body parts. “Balancing between the feeling of absolute closeness and complete disconnection, my work often revolves around the themes of longing, desire, connection, intimacy, and loneliness. The red-hued figures pictured in my work present more as alien characters, rather than everyday humans you’d meet on the street – slightly too perfect, almost artificial, strangely unfamiliar.  Naturalistic proportions and elements of the present-day act as a reminder of real life, yet the carefully chosen styling and red-focused colour pallette create a new, slightly uncanny, eerie world, where the viewer may question whether they are seeing something…