• Seoul-based artist Miseon Yoon, known for her patchwork creations, has ventured into diverse artistic expressions beyond 2009. Inspired by Cubism, her current work reflects personal growth, layering shapes and details to represent rediscovery and reassembly after hardship. Yoon's art features spherical shapes symbolizing balance and equilibrium.

    Art by Miseon Yoon

    Seoul-based artist Miseon Yoon, a graduate of Hongik University’s textile art program, made her initial foray into the art world with her patchwork creations in 2009. However, driven by personal struggles and societal pressures, Yoon embarked on a transformative journey, venturing beyond patchwork to explore diverse forms of artistic expression. Seeking liberation from external expectations, her current body of work embraces elements of Cubism, employing a gradual process of layering shapes and intricate details. This artistic approach mirrors the profound process of rediscovery and reassembly following periods of profound hardship and trauma. Notably, Yoon incorporates spherical shapes in her work, symbolizing both the roundedness of a ball and the inherent…