In an arresting black-and-white photo series, Bulgarian dancer Mihael Belilov showcases his flexibility and expressive artistry under the intimate gaze of photographer Paulio Sovari. The collaboration...
Barton Cowperthwaite by Nagi Sakai
Fashion photographer Nagi Sakai photographs well known actor/dancer Barton Cowperthwaite in and editorial portrait sereis for Man About Town. See the shoot below: Photography © Nagi Sakai
Gucci PreFall 2017 Campaign by Glen Luchford (Video)
A funky dance party scene full of the latest shimmering Gucci Prefall 2017 looks. Directed by Glen Luchford. Watch the campaign below:
Giulia Brinkman, Tess Sturmann & Dario Elia by Petrovsky & Ramone
An action editorial featuring dancers and free flowing gowns. Starring models Giulia Brinkman, Tess Sturmann & Dario Elia for the January 2016 issue of Myself Magazine captured by Petrovsky & Ramone. See the shoot below: Photography & Art Direction: Petrovsky & Ramone Styling & Creative Direction: Theresa Pichler Hair & Makeup: Siddharta @NCL Representation Model: Giulia Brinkman @De Boekers; Dancers: Tess Sturmann, Dario Elia