Illustrations by Marianne Engedal

    Their plants are their children in this light hearted illustrative series by Marianne Engedal. You can find the green thumbed characters cradling, kissing and sleeping on the work. See some selected works below:

  • ART

    Charlie Brown Illustrations by Mark Mulroney

    A well loved cartoon character in not so loved outcomes, all ending in extremely gory and disturbing scenes. We find Charlie Brown guts out, stabbed, endlessly bleeding and more. See the series created by artist Mark Mulroney below:   website: http://www.markmulroney.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/markmulroney/

  • ART

    Shadow Illustrations by Vincent Bal

    Belgian filmmaker Vincent Bal creates a playful series using everyday shadows. “While I was working on a new script last April, I noticed how my teacup made a nice shadow on a piece of paper. I drew some lines on it and suddenly the shadow was an elephant,” writes Bal. “I took a pic with my phone and posted it on Facebook. Before I knew it, this pic was shared and liked as never before. I was surprised how much people liked it. Since that day I’ve been posting a doodle a day.“ -VB instagram.com/vincent_bal facebook.com/doodleballs twitter.com/vincebal etsy.com/shop/VincentBalDoodles