Illustrator ALT3R4TION crafts a unique blend of hauntingly gruesome and glamorous imagery, drawing inspiration from gothic aesthetics and anime influences. Their work showcases the darker side of...
Kiki Willems by Camilla Akrans
Goth in red roses starring model Kiki Willems in a garden captured by fashion photographer Camilla Akrans. See the shoot below: Publication: Vogue China June 2017 Model: Kiki Willems Photographer: Camilla Akrans Fashion Editor: Daniela Paudice Hair: Erika Svedjevik Make Up: Fredrik Stambro
Isabella Ridolfi by Paolo Zerbini
Some gothic charm at the public beach starring model Isabella Ridolfi in all black captured by fashion photographer Paolo Zerbini for the June/July 2017 issue of Numéro Magazine. See the shoot below: Publication: Numéro June/July 2017 Model: Isabella Ridolfi Photographer: Paolo Zerbini Fashion Editor: Samuel François Hair: Simone Prusso Make Up: Martina d’Andrea
Le Noir Partie 3 by Mert & Marcus
A look back on a previous photo spread in Vogue’s September issue featuring coveted models Kate Moss and Saskia de Brauw. This dark editorial featured vintage glamor and monarch wear.