• Banksy Arte Eliminado

    Banksy Piece Removed for being “Offensive and Racist”

    No shit. Banksy’s artworks are known for their satire imagery on heavy issues and ones that get swept under the rug. Residence from the oceanside town of Clacton-on-See in Essex were flipping when the graffiti imagery appeared on Tendring Disctric Council’s boathouse. The image presented was one of birds on a wire. A group of grey pidgins holding protesting signs reading: “MIGRANTS NOT WELCOME”,”GO BACK TO AFRICA”, y “KEEP OFF OUR WORMS” These messages harshly directed to a smaller, alone, colorful bird not to far from the pidgins. “El sitio fue inspeccionado por personal que estuvo de acuerdo en que podría considerarse ofensivo y fue retirado esta mañana en…