Banksy Arte Eliminado

Banksy Piece Removed for being “Offensive and Racist”

No shit. Banksy’s artworks are known for their satire imagery on heavy issues and ones that get swept under the rug. Residence from the oceanside town of Clacton-on-See in Essex were flipping when the graffiti imagery appeared on Tendring Disctric Council’s boathouse.

The image presented was one of birds on a wire. A group of grey pidgins holding protesting signs reading: “MIGRANTS NOT WELCOME”,”GO BACK TO AFRICA”, y “KEEP OFF OUR WORMS” These messages harshly directed to a smaller, alone, colorful bird not to far from the pidgins.

“The site was inspected by staff who agreed that it could be seen as offensive and it was removed this morning in line with our policy to remove this type of material within 48 hours,” said Nigel Brown, communications manager for Tendring district council. “We would obviously welcome an appropriate Banksy original on any of our seafronts and would be delighted if he returned in the future.” pffft.

Banksy Arte Eliminado

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  • Vee

    Esperar, esperar, esperar…
    tenían una hermosa, conmovedor, ORIGINAL motherf*cking Banksy and they removed it because they found it offensive; and then they basically beg him to come back and give them something more aligned with their values?

    I hope those bitches choke on their dry tea biscuits.

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