A romantic and uniformed editorial series titled Heroics captured by photographer Paul Freeman. “A collection of over one hundred and eighty fine art photographic portraits of men captured in the classical tradition of mythologized heroism and the sometimes grandiose and dramatic poses that entailed, shot in an array of contemporary, post-modernist, neo-classic and painterly environments, in both color and warm toned black and white, reminiscent of the influences being evoked and in the tradition of fine art film photography.” quoted from Amazon : Heroics 2
Myths by Gosia Herba
Polish artist Gosia Herba creates a mystical portrait series titled myths where we find creatures and heroes interacting in highly stylised paintings. See some selected works below:
Elias De Poot and Marijn Aper by Alessio Boni
A romantic and stylish editorial titled ‘The Weekenders’ featuring male models Elias De Poot and Marijn Aper for Hero Magazines 15th issue. Captured by photographer Alessio Boni wity styling by Gro Curtis. See the shoot below: Models|Elias De Poot and MarijnAper Photographer|Alessio Boni Stylist|Gro Curtis Hair Stylist|Braydon Nelson
Boneface Illustrations
A snarling illustration series by artist Boneface featuring well know pop culture figures in a neon punk post apocalyptic setting. See the amazing attention to detail aswell as the bright cheeky references.