VICE Japon: 3 Ans après le tsunami (Taquin)

    C'était 3 years since the massive earthquake in northern Japan which in tandem caused the tsunami that wiped out vast areas of land including a portion of Fukushima’s power plants, ultimately causing a global nuclear crisis of which we are still facing today. In the first video of our three part special, VICE heads to Fukushima to meet our friend Naoto Matsumura (à partir de “Alone in the Zone” http://bit.ly/1dj2Ckc) to install a Safecast monitor to help raise awareness of radiation levels in the area. In the second video, VICE follows up with anti-nuclear energy artist “Anti_nuke” qui explique en détail qu'il doit cacher son visage et son nom en raison de…


    Ikenaga Yasunari - L'art japonais du Nihonga redéfinie

    “Using the simplicity of Indian ink and linen canvas Ikenaga Yasunari has captured a simple serenity in the the faces of his female portraits.This calm sensuality is highlighted by the richness of their surroundings. Yasunari’s Japanese heritage has inspired a style of painting which is characteristic in his work. This ancient technique of Nihonga is a traditional Japanese art form using a Menso brush and ink. With this Yasunari has successfully captured an essence of the past with a pallet of muted tones , but has injecting a modern twist to each piece with his use of pattern and cloth.” source: