• Hedvig Palm par le photographe Jeff Bark

    Hedvig Palm par le photographe Jeff Bark

    Une amie politique yeux écarquillés des 60 et 70. See model Hedvig Palm pose for contrasting subjects from hippie, activist, and soldier. Each theme still retaining a vulnerable softness captured by photographer Jeff Bark. The photoshoot created for Flair Magazines’s April 2015 question. Magazine: Flair Magazine April 2015 Modèle: Hedvig Palm Photographe: Jeff Bark Rédacteur de mode: Cheveux Tony Irvine: Maquillage Shingo Shibata: Lisa Houghton

  • JeffBarkWoodPecker
    ART,  CULTURE,  Divers.

    Jeff Bark – Pic (Romantisme d'aujourd'hui)

    "Pic étend la définition du romantisme à la référence à la fois les peintures émotives des siècles passés, and the modern struggle with post-industrial malaise. Situated in a teenage wasteland that hovers between nature and urban decay, Bark’s listless figures partake in skinny-dipping, huffing, et fumer de la marijuana. » Déclaration de l'artiste: “I’ve always been very sensitive to light, even in my house… It’s all about how the light makes you feel. In my studio the light is very sexy, calming – it’s warm from all the tungsten lights, and very comforting. In the brightness you can’t see around you, so you feel alone, except for me yelling at you saying ‘Move your finger!«Plus qu’essayer…