ART,  CULTURE,  Divers.

Jeff Bark – Pic (Romantisme d'aujourd'hui)

Pic stretches the definition of romanticism to reference both the emotive paintings of centuries past, and the modern struggle with post-industrial malaise. Situated in a teenage wasteland that hovers between nature and urban decay, Bark’s listless figures partake in skinny-dipping, huffing, and smoking marijuana.”

Déclaration de l'artiste:

“I’ve always been very sensitive to light, even in my house… It’s all about how the light makes you feel. In my studio the light is very sexy, calming – it’s warm from all the tungsten lights, and very comforting. In the brightness you can’t see around you, so you feel alone, except for me yelling at you saying ‘Move your finger!’

More than trying to emulate a painting I wanted to create a kind of light I had never seen before. In my photographs you can see muscles under the skin. The light seems to come from the figures instead of bouncing off. I worked so hard at it… Photography is supposed to be all about light anyway – carving it out and being in control of it. That’s why I shoot in the studio… I create nighttime by blacking out all the windows… There are certain things in life that are constant sources of fascination – light is one of them.”

JeffBarkWoodPecker JeffBarkWoodPecker JeffBarkWoodPecker JeffBarkWoodPecker JeffBarkWoodPecker JeffBarkWoodPecker JeffBarkWoodPecker Jeff BarkPic (2007)

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