Paintings by Artist April Kamunde

    April Kamunde, a Nairobi-born artist, immerses herself in the world of oils, skillfully crafting paintings that weave intricate narratives of personal significance. Drawing from her own life experiences, Kamunde’s art transcends the boundaries of the individual and taps into the collective, aiming to ignite meaningful dialogues. In her recent artistic endeavors, she delves into the profound concept of rest, viewed through a feminist lens. The inspiration behind Kamunde’s exploration of rest stems from a deep-seated weariness, instigated by the pandemic’s tumultuous impact and the relentless pursuit of success and fulfillment in an ever-evolving world. Within the vibrant and fast-paced setting of Nairobi, a city perpetually on the move, these challenges…

  • Marilyn Minter HD Oil on Canvas

    Artist Marilyn Minter, HD Oil on Canvas

    Large and overly defined fashion moments captured in fragments. You first initial thought may be, “I wonder what camera was used?” There is so much attention to detail even peach fuzz on the body is placed.  This shows how flawless glamour is really unreachable. That if you zoom in close enough even on the most chic situations we are all flawed and strange creatures.   source: