Disturbing and unsettling imagery created on miniature sets by artist Ding Min. Depicting acts of taboo and violence. See some selected works below:
Nature Spirit Sculptures by artist Shamona Stokes
Sculpture artist Shamona Stokes creates adorably odd beasts said to be inspired by Jim Henson and the playful energy of childhood curiosity. See some selected pieces below:
Tree Root Sculptures by artist Tach Pollard
UK based artist Tach Pollard creates mystical creatures you could imagine from out of a fairy tale. Made to look whimsical and familiar with its wooden textures and long stretching limbs.
Cranes by Cristian Marianciuc
Artist Cristian Marianiuc known for his intricate cranes updates his works with some new designs. See the pieces below:
Paper Sculptures by Crystal Wagner
An exploding Paper Sculptures series titled Axiom exploring form, chroma, and growth from artist Crystal Wagner’s solo show presented at Hashimoto Contemporary See the art below:
“Everything that could have been but wasn’t, now is” by Daniele Sigalot
Italian artist Daniele Sigalot creates a large spherical mass constructed of acrylic varnish on aluminum that circles 300cm in diameter. Shown at Anna Laudel Contemporary in Istanbul as a part of the solo show titled Empires Ago. See the installation below: Acrylic varnish on aluminum 300cm diameter 2018 On show at Anna Laudel Contemporary – Istanbul, as part of the solo show EMPIRES AGO – 13.9.18 > 26.10.18
Artworks by Yuni Yoshida
Portraits of pixelated edible items by artist Yuni Yoshida created by physically cutting them into cubes to create the blurred illusion that can be viewed live in person. See the series below: Artworks by Yuni Yoshida
Sculptures by Marina Vargas
Classic sculptures plagued with what first seems to be pink flowers, but upon closer glance seems like an unnatural fleshy growth. All created by artist Marina Vargas. See some selected works below:
Clay Sculptures by Ronit Baranga
Surreal clay sculptures by artist Ronit Baranga featuring smashed off heads gripping warped tea sets. See some selected works below:
Sculptures by Alberto Bustos
Living organism inspired ceramic sculptures created by artist Alberto Bustos. See some selected works below:
Hyperrealistic Mini Sculptures by Ruben Orozco (Video)
Mexican artist Ruben Orozco creates unique miniature sculptures of iconic figures with specific attention to realistic detail. Watch the video below: