Sweets Portraits by Photographer James Ostrer

    Photographer James Ostrer documents our obsession with sugar in a series of grotesque real life portraits of people covered in layers of sweets and junk food. Speaking largely on the to the global food production and increasingly dangerous methods of mass production, Ostrer’s photographs conjure tribal images that are both fascinating and repulsive. Via the press release, “This adornment becomes a mask of what we eat which then becomes entwined with a hyper-pop sensibility and an obsequious inquiry into the great volumes of sugar that flow through our bodies.”    

  • Camila Valdez art

    Artist Camila Valdez, Sweet Tooth and Legs.

    Contrary to popular belief, these are NOT self portraits of me. Yes I breath sweets like no other but I promise  I’m not actually made of doughnut bread. This is a series by artist Camila Valdez located in Argentina. It’s surreal, sassy and delicious. Each little food being is paired with legs and an attitude to match. I wonder what that little doughnut did to end up in prison. Is this trying to say we are what we eat? or just a fun approach to her personal anthropomorphic sandbox. source: