VICE Japon: 3 Ans après le tsunami (Taquin)

    C'était 3 years since the massive earthquake in northern Japan which in tandem caused the tsunami that wiped out vast areas of land including a portion of Fukushima’s power plants, ultimately causing a global nuclear crisis of which we are still facing today. In the first video of our three part special, VICE heads to Fukushima to meet our friend Naoto Matsumura (à partir de “Alone in the Zone” http://bit.ly/1dj2Ckc) to install a Safecast monitor to help raise awareness of radiation levels in the area. In the second video, VICE follows up with anti-nuclear energy artist “Anti_nuke” qui explique en détail qu'il doit cacher son visage et son nom en raison de…


    Mesdames cherchez [NSFW]

    “Real Women Read Real Messages from popular gay hookup apps Grindr, SCRUFF, et GROWLr »Articles connexes Les messages réels de l'application de rencontres lus par des femmes vous rendront heureux que vous soyez célibataire (NSFW) Rapist Jailed After Hookup App Crime Spree Targeting “Bears” 5 Façons d'avoir un cœur qui débarque un homme Lady Gaga: Fully Nude in ‘Abramovic Method’ NSFW Video! Disney Villains On Grindr [NSFW]



    Comme marcher dans la scène funérailles d'un 50 de la Twilight Zone originale. The theme had strong catholic inspirations from the crosses, veils and priest boys? The clothing itself had volume and flairs of luxurious mourning. The models walked slow with somber with their neutral pallet with the occasional shimmering gold gown. The style wrapped the whole collection up and made it a clear story, fright white hair vintage styled with pillbox hats and veils. Overall beautiful collection. Many classic and luxurious separates. It all leaves you haunted. source:

  • MODE

    Alexander McQueen | Printemps / Été 2014 | Backstage Film

    “Faded tissus qui se sentent qu'ils ont été laissés au soleil et terni boutons d'or. Hems, revers et manches sont inachevées et effiloché. La structure interne des tailleurs est éliminé pour donner légèreté. Les manches d'une redingote ont été arrachés avec des coutures et à l'épaule padding gauche exposés. La doublure de soie de la veste de costume est présenté comme une robe boutonnée ou un cardigan, couches sur sans col dossard chemises et exposé des manches et l'ourlet des vestes de costume. Porté avec plissée lâche, shorts longs ou pantacourt dessus de la cheville. Le crâne McQueen motif emblématique est retravaillé dans une dentelle de coton. La dentelle est adaptée comme un…

  • ART,  Divers.

    Ne Hug Me Je ai peur 2 – TEMPS

    Les décideurs de la vidéo surréaliste déranger célèbre” Ne Hug Me Je ai peur” have come out with a new video, “Ne Hug Me Je ai peur 2- TEMPS” The video explains the subject of time wrapped up in what it seems like a child like performance. Even though this time around you have an idea what will end up happening, it’s still great seeing the video spiral somewhere uncomfortable.


    Saint. Vincent New Self Titled Album

    Nouvellement argent artiste pop indie cheveux St. Vincent is set to release her fourth studio album on the set date of February 25, 2014. Her most recent album “Strange Mercy” was released back in 2011. We are all excited to hear what this album will turn out to be. We have been provided with some teasers, on December 9th the artist released the audio for the albums first single titled, “Birth in Reverse”. Aussi, the second single, “Digital Witness” was released on January 6th. Saint. Vincent – Naissance In Reverse (OFFICIAL AUDIO) Saint. Vincent – Témoin numérique (OFFICIAL AUDIO)

  • MODE

    Tom Ford Documentaire

    Thomas Carlyle “Que” Ford est un créateur de mode et réalisateur américain. Il a acquis une renommée internationale pour son revirement de Gucci et la création du label Tom Ford avant de diriger le film nominé aux Oscars A Single Man source:

  • ART

    Incroyable papier Sculptures de Li Hongbo

    When we think of creating art with paper we tend to think towards 2d and at the very most some origami. Chinese artist Li Hongbo has a particular sculpture medium is paper. He’s created structures and sculptures that seem solid but once you play around with it realize that it can morph and stretch into different shapes and sizes, creating an almost dreamlike optical illusion to normal objects. “My interest in paper began when I published books. When it came to design, I had to consider paper — what type of paper suited which book,” Li states. His curiosity lead to intriguing artistic outlet. Regardez la vidéo ci-dessous pour…