Pooja Mor by Txema Yeste

Pooja Mor poses for fashion photogrpaher Txema Yest for the July 2016 issue of The Edit Magazine styled by Morgan Pilcher.

Ver la serie abajo:Pooja Mor by Txema Yeste (1) Pooja Mor by Txema Yeste (2) Pooja Mor by Txema Yeste (3) Pooja Mor by Txema Yeste (4) Pooja Mor by Txema Yeste (5) Pooja Mor by Txema Yeste (6) Pooja Mor by Txema Yeste (7) Pooja Mor by Txema Yeste (8) Pooja Mor by Txema Yeste (9)



Fotografía: Txema Yeste
Diseñado por: Morgan Pilcher
Pelo: Teiji Utsumi
Maquillaje: Kay Montano
Set Design: Alun Davies
Modelo: Pooja Mor

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