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Juana Martín Haute Couture FW 2024.25: Una sinfonía de construcción audaz inspirada en el flamenco

Alta Costura Otoño-Invierno de Juana Martín 2024/25 El desfile fue una impresionante fusión de arte inspirado en el flamenco y alta costura contemporánea.. Celebrado en el impresionante Palacio de Tokio en París, la colección cautivó al público con sus colores vibrantes, detalles intrincados, y siluetas poderosas, homenaje a las raíces andaluzas de Martín.

El lugar: Palais de Tokyo

The modern and avant-garde Palais de Tokyo provided a fitting backdrop for Juana Martín’s haute couture showcase. El lugar es amplio., El espacio minimalista permitió que se destacaran los diseños intrincados y los colores vivos de la colección., creando un sorprendente contraste visual que mejoró el impacto general del espectáculo..

La colección: A Celebration of Andalusian Heritage

Martín’s FW 2024/25 collection is a passionate tribute to her Andalusian heritage, drawing inspiration from the traditional flamenco dress and infusing it with a contemporary edge. La colección presentó una variedad de siluetas dramáticas., from voluminous skirts to structured bodices, each piece reflecting Martín’s dedication to haute couture craftsmanship and her cultural roots.

The color palette was a vibrant celebration of bold hues, including fiery reds, deep blacks, and brilliant whites, punctuated by gold accents and intricate embroidery. Telas lujosas como la seda., velvet, and lace were adorned with ruffles, fringes, and beadwork, añadiendo profundidad y textura a las prendas.

Aspectos clave y aspectos destacados

  1. Conjunto de apertura: Model Blanca Padilla opened the show in a stunning black velvet dress, featuring a fitted bodice with gold embroidery and a voluminous skirt adorned with cascading ruffles. The dramatic silhouette and intricate detailing set the tone for the collection, evoking the passion and drama of flamenco.
  2. Modern Flamenco: Model Nieves Álvarez captivated the audience in a vibrant red silk gown with a plunging neckline and an intricately beaded waist. The gown’s flowing train and bold color embodied the spirit of modern flamenco, blending tradition with contemporary glamour.
  3. Final etéreo: The show’s grand finale featured supermodel Irina Shayk in a breathtaking white lace gown, adorned with delicate embroidery and a dramatic tiered skirt. La belleza etérea y la intrincada artesanía del vestido dejaron al público hechizado., showcasing Martín’s mastery of haute couture.

Accesorios y Detalles

Martín’s attention to detail extended to the accessories, que jugó un papel fundamental en la mejora de la estética general de la colección.. Models wore statement earrings, embroidered mantillas, and ornate hairpieces, cada pieza meticulosamente diseñada para complementar las prendas. Footwear included elegant stilettos and embellished flamenco shoes, adding a touch of authenticity to the bold ensembles.

Partitura musical y atmósfera

la partitura musical, curated by Spanish composer Pablo Alborán, added an evocative quality to the show. The blend of traditional flamenco music with contemporary compositions created a captivating atmosphere that transported the audience into Martín’s vibrant world.

Revisión general

Juana Martín’s Haute Couture FW 2024/25 collection is a masterful celebration of her Andalusian heritage and a testament to her innovative vision. Each piece showcased Martín’s unparalleled craftsmanship and her ability to merge traditional elements with modern design. The collection was a harmonious blend of cultural richness and contemporary elegance, solidifying Martín’s status as a leading figure in haute couture.


  • Designer: Juana Martín
  • Modelos: Blanca Padilla, Nieves Álvarez, Irina Shayk, y otros.
  • Música: Pablo Alborán
  • Evento: Palais de Tokyo, París
  • Fotografía: Peter Lindbergh
  • Styling: Marina Gallo

En conclusión, Juana Martín’s latest haute couture show was a stunning celebration of fashion as an art form. Her visionary designs and impeccable craftsmanship resulted in a collection that is both timeless and forward-thinking, reaffirming Martín’s place at the pinnacle of haute couture.

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