Artwork by Jason Martin

    Riding the line of painting and sculptures Jason’s Martin’s artwork literally stands out in extremes. Like those children’s books with different textures you have the urge to touch the contrasting curious techniques.   http://www.lissongallery.com/artists/jason-martin/

  • Fear Expanded by artist Ryan Everson

    Fear Expanded by artist Ryan Everson

    A play on illusion and the subconscious. The sculpture mirrored text is noticeable up close by its density and size. But the farther you are the more it blends in and begins to fade away into the landscape. http://www.eversonart.com/#sthash.Hnkgyxvp.dpuf

  • Artwork by Faig Ahmed

    Artwork by Faig Ahmed

    Faig Ahmed explores Azerbaijani traditional rugs in a distorted contemporary style. “Faig Ahmed graduated from the Sculpture faculty at the Azerbaijan State Academy of Fine Art in Baku in 2004. Since 2003, he has been working with various media, including painting, video and installation. Currently, he is study¬ing the artistic qualities of Azerbaijani traditional rugs – he disassembles their conventional structure and randomly rearranges the resulting components of the traditional composition then combines these fragments with contemporary sculptural forms.