• 2 Série d'illustration de types de personnes
    ART,  CULTURE,  Divers.

    “2 Kinds of People” Illustration Series

    We are usually split two groups, le blog 2kindsofpeople montre des illustrations simplistes côte à côte des deux côtés de chaque groupe. From how you split your sandwich or organize your phone apps. Which category do you identify with? Articles connexes Anniversaire de papier! Le journal de développement de Guitar Hero Live vous montre comment les éléments d'action en direct ont été créés.. forces

  • Premiering Caitlyn Jenner (Formerly Bruce Jenner) as the Vanity Fair Cover Story (1)
    CULTURE,  MODE,  Divers.

    Premiering Caitlyn Jenner (Formerly Bruce Jenner) as the Vanity Fair Cover Story

    The Vanity Fair rumors were true! The unveiling of the cover featured the personal unveiling newly glamorous Caitlyn Jenner (Bruce), photographed by Annie Leibovitz. A beautifully old hollywood fashion photoshoot embracing her new curves and glamorous aesthetic. “If I was lying on my deathbed and I had kept this secret and never ever did anything about it, I would be lying there saying, ‘You just blew your entire life’,” says Jenner, in the emotional piece.” -Caitlyn Jenner

  • modèles haut de gamme unphotoshopped
    CULTURE,  MODE,  Graveravens Exclusive

    The Rise of The Old and Unphotoshopped Model

    Wrinkles? Disgusting. Cellulite? Barf worthy. Fat? UNFORGIVABLE. This kind of body hate/discrimination is known as a normality in the fashion world. It’s better to be dead than fat and old. La “live fast die young” motto is ever-present and accepted. Something that is ALSO a huge part of the fashion industry is going against the common grain and defying beauties norms. Is this something that is done for publicity? Or more something that needs to be addressed for the overall well-being of self-image. Photoshoots with top photographers and supermodels have been popping up in magazines and social media, with proud unaltered images! (GASP!) Plus particulièrement Kate Moss et Cindy Crawford sur la photo…

  • Écran de télévision LG Paper

    LG Introduces Wallpaper TV Screen

    In technology I’ve noticed a trend were we use to want smaller but more so now we want sleekness regardless of size. For example I still want a big screen TV but not the bulky space consuming stage. Taking this to heart LG designers presented in a Korean press conference their new ultra thin screened almost paper like screen. It’s an organic light-emitting diode 55-inch display with a magnetic back improving it’s versatility and wallpaper technology qualities. The entire product is less than a millimeter thick. I assume you shouldn’t try to fold it. source:

  • Wearable Planter Jewelry, the Stylish Adults Tamagotchi
    CULTURE,  MODE,  Divers.

    Wearable Planter Jewelry, the Stylish Adults Tamagotchi

    A little extreme, but that’s why it’s awesome. WearablePlanter.com propose une ligne de bijoux unique et écologique qui grandit réellement avec vous. They have many living options from flowers and other dainty greeneries. Also featuring bike attachments for all you thrill seeking bearded speed demons. It’s like having a chic echo friendly Tamagotchi. (it can die too.)

  • Tom Ford's Second Movie
    CULTURE,  MODE,  Divers.

    Tom Ford’s Second Movie Deal is Happening

    His critically acclaimed debut film 2009’s A Single Man made quite the splash and we were left to think this was the well known designer authentically and beautifully dabbling in the movie world. Fortunately the dabble has come to be something a little more permanent, reports Entertainment Weekly. His directorial efforts in the film titled Nocturnal Animals has been snatched up after receiving many accolades and the Cannes Film Festival. Focus Features fronted an estimated 20 million for the worldwide rights. Can’t wait! Articles liés MONTRE CANNES: Colin Farrell happy to be single Newswire: George Clooney leaves Tom Ford alone with Nocturnal Animals Matthew McConaughey’s movie booed at Cannes Film Festival What Do China And ‘Furious 7’


    H&M to Debut their Cosmetic Line

      Well known retailer H&M is expanding their products and will be dabbling into the Cosmetics world. Stated to begin with over 700 products including all things beauty. Concept designer Sara Wallander says the price ranges will vary from around 3 à 30 dollars including premium options. We will be watching makeup gurus reviews when this comes in full swing. More details on the matter will be released in the near future. Will you be down?