Based off a study by surveying instagram on 15 of the most popular music festivals they came up with a visual aid to present you the most popular drugs at what music festivals. Accurate? Hey who knows, but it sure is interesting.
Madonna Grossed Drake Out at Coachella
Remember when Madonna kissed Britney Spears and it was pretty hot? Yeah this is not that. Beim diesjährigen Coachella-Musikfestival traf sich der beliebte Rap-Künstler Drake mit Madonna für einen Auftritt auf der Bühne. During one of her songs the pop icon decided to Spiderman sloppy kiss Drake while he sits in a chair. In what we assume she thought would have been a sexy shocker to add to her gasp list. Well it made the gasp list, but not in the way she intended. The only gasping was poor Drake being forced into an unwanted kiss. Wie ein schwuler Mann, der versucht, eine Frau zu küssen, das kann man nur vortäuschen…
Ich, das Coachella 2015 ausrichten!
Angekündigt und eklektisch wie fuq. Sind Ihre Lieblingsmusiker Teilnahme? Schauen Sie sich die kürzlich veröffentlichte Coachella 2015 Plakat-Formation.