• La fotógrafa de moda Sarah Silvers fotografía a la top model Daphne Groeneveld en una sesión de belleza inspirada en la primavera. Diseñado por Debbie Hscieh y Bloopie Magoop.

    Daphne Groeneveld por Sarah Silvers

    La fotógrafa de moda Sarah Silvers fotografía a la top model Daphne Groeneveld en una sesión de belleza inspirada en la primavera. Diseñado por Debbie Hscieh y Bloopie Magoop. See the shoot below: Modelo: Estilista Daphne Groeneveld: Debbie Hscieh Fotógrafo: Sarah Silver

  • MODA

    Daphne Groeneveld por Caleb & Gladys

    Fotografía: Caleb & Gladys. Fashion Stylist: Aleksandra Markovic. Hair Stylist: Akihisa Yamaguchi. Maquilladora: Chiao Li Hsu. Manicurist: Narina Chan. Productor: Jean Jarvis. Casting Director: Chiu Sheri. Set Designer: Izabelle García. Asistente de la moda: Giulia Odasso. Makeup Assistant: Elijah Hong. Asistente de diseñador de escenarios: Deena Winter. Modelo: Daphne Groeneveld.

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    Daphne Groeneveld by Kai Z Feng

    Model Daphne Groeneveld poses in sweet and feminine gowns in and editorial series captured by fashion photographer Kai Z Feng. Featured in the December 2016 issue of Elle UK. See the shoot below: Revista: Elle UK December 2016 Modelo: Fotógrafo Daphne Groeneveld: Editora de moda Kai Z Feng: Cabello Anne-Marie Curtis: Maquillaje Lok Lau: Naoko Scintu

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    Daphne Groeneveld by Jan Welters

    Model Daphne Groeneveld poses beachside in a fashion editorial titled Twilight Of The Goddesses. Captured by photographer Jan Welters for the April 2016 issue of S Moda Magazine. Ver la serie abajo:   Revista: S Moda April 2016 Fotógrafo: Jan Welters Estilista: Natalia Bengoechea Cabello: Maquillaje De David Cox: Modelo Lisa Storey: Daphne Groeneveld

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    Daphne Groeneveld by David Roemer

    Daphne Groeneveld poses for the latest Spring/Summer 2016 issue of Zoo Magazine in a high fashion editorial with heavy styling, makeup and beauty shots. Ver la serie abajo: Publicación: Zoo Magazine Spring/Summer 2016 Modelo: Fotógrafo Daphne Groeneveld: Editor de moda David Roemer: Cabello de Joanne Blades: Maquillaje Ward Stegerhoek: Ozzy Salvatierra

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    Daphne Groeneveld by David Dunan

    A bright highly stylised beauty editorial starring model Daphne Groeneveld. Captured by photographer David Dunan for the March 2016 issue of Vogue Japan. See the photo shoot below: Revista: Vogue Japan March 2016 Modelo: Fotógrafo Daphne Groeneveld: Editor de moda David Dunan: Andrew Mukamal Cabello: Maquillaje Kayla Michele: Uñas Marla Belt: Yuko Wada

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    Daphne Groeneveld by Giampaolo Sgura

    Model Daphne Groeneveld is rocking clear synthetic wardrobe for a fashion editorial by photographer Giampaolo Sgura. Featured in the March 2016 issue of Vogue Japan. FOTÓGRAFO: MODELO GIAMPAOLO SGURA: PEINADO DAPHNE GROENEVELD: ANA DEL PELO RUSO: ANDREW GUIDA MAQUILLAJE: UÑAS JESSICA NEDZA: ANNAREL INNOCENTE

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    Daphne Groeneveld in a midnight New York City tourist fashion photo shoot wearing funky eclectic clothing as she explores the city. Shot by photographer Emma Summerton for the November 2015 issue of Vogue Germany. FOTÓGRAFO: MODELO EMMA SUMMERTON: PEINADO DAPHNE GROENEVELD: PELO PATTI WILSON: AKKI SHIRAKAWA MAQUILLAJE: CLAVOS CINTURÓN MARLA: YUKO TSUCHIHASHI

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    BAL MASQUÉ by Mert Alas & Marcus Piggott

    A black and white Halloween ready fashion masquerade featuring models Lara Stone, Freja Beha Erichsen, Mariacarla Boscono, Crystal Renn, Daphne Groeneveld, Roberto Bolle and Josh Parkinson. The photo shoot captured by Mert Alas & Marcus Piggott for the October 2015 issue of Vogue Paris. Ver la serie abajo:   Publicación: Vogue Paris October 2010 Modelo: Lara Stone, Freja Beha Erichsen, Mariacarla Boscono, Crystal Renn, Daphne Groeneveld, Roberto Bolle, Fotógrafo Josh Parkinson: Mert Alas & Editor de moda Marcus Piggott: Cabello Carine Roitfeld: Maquillaje Paul Hanlon: Charlotte Tilbury