• KULTUR,  Sonstiges.

    Koi Shaped Sushi

    You almost don’t want to eat them. Der Nishikizushi Sushi Shop ist ein japanisches Restaurant, in dem Sie entzückendes Sushi in Koi-Form finden. Created with regular sushi ingredients that is stratigically wrapped in thin slices of squid.

  • Sushi-Seife
    ART,  KULTUR,  Sonstiges.

    Sushi Soap!

    It seems everyday the line between edible and non edible is blurred. However unidentifiable things may get they do make things such as products a lot more interesting. Here we have Sushi Soap. Is it soap you can eat? or sushi you wash yourself with? It’s the ladder. Erstellt und verkauft von soapopotamus in ihrem etsy-Geschäft, können Sie Ihr Bad mit einzigartigen Sushify (and well made) soaps that completely resemble the fishy food.