Courtney love via twitter twittered about meeting Lana Del Rey in London and eventually those comments lead to her saying some exciting news would come concerning the two ladies. Ce est officiel! Courtney declares she will being joining Lana Del Rey on her upcoming “Visite Endless Summer” coup d'envoi de mai. This is a must see partnership. Voici les dates de tournée si vous voulez attraper les deux ensemble: 05-07-15 The Woodlands, TX – Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion * 05-09 Dallas, TX – Pavillon énergie Gexa * 05-12 Morrison, CO – Red Rocks Amphitheatre * 05-14 Phénix, Le – AkChin Pavilion * 05-16 Chula Vista, Comme – Sleep Train Amphithéâtre * 05-18 Los Angeles,…