Jessica Lange Officially Confirms Not Returning to AHS

Jessica lange coven

It was still sort of up in the air if American Horror Story‘s leading lady Jessica Lange was going to continue on in the popular series.We’ve followed her throughout the whole thing and she’s become a staple and more so a favorite.  Her departure has been brought up before but never with a definitive answer.

We’ve seen other well-known actors start confirming their involvement with the upcoming season ‘Hotel’. They include Matt BomerCheyenne Jackson and the most news worthy the fabulous Lady Gaga (gay shrieking) who even announced the new season.

Sadly Jessica Lange told EW “Yes, I’m done,” she said. “We’ve had a great run here. I have absolutely loved doing these four characters that I’ve had the opportunity to play. In all the madness, I’ve loved the writers, my actors, Ryan and the whole, I mean, insanity of it, shooting here, shooting in New Orleans, the stories, everything.”

jessica lange cig

Heartbroken, but the show must go on.

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