• Witch Galaxy
    CULTURE,  Misc.

    Witch School Reviews The Myriad Of Ways To Learn

    Author: Rose Ariadne Among the myriad ways in which people can learn witchcraft are with the help of books, covens and local as well as online witch schools. For those who would prefer to achieve the mastery of witchcraft without putting up a lot of money, books may be the best medium of study. There are several books that may be bought online and comes cheap especially if they are used. One can also visit the local used book stores and occult stores in search for good, informative and inexpensive witchcraft treasures. The next step would be to find out if there are covens in your area. Online websites such…

  • ART,  Misc.

    Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared 2 – TIME

    The makers of the famously disturbing surreal video” Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared” have come out with a new video, “Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared 2- TIME” The video explains the subject of time wrapped up in what it seems like a child like performance. Even though this time around you have an idea what will end up happening, it’s still great seeing the video spiral somewhere uncomfortable.  Facebook Comments


    Beginning As A Fashion Model

    Beginning As A Fashion Model Author: fashion model Regardless of the fact that there are millions of people who are after modelling jobs every year, there are countless people, male as well as female, young as well as old, that want to test the waters of the glamorous profession of modelling. It could be high fashion; it could be swimsuit session; and, maybe it’s commercial print. However, the thing is that not all fashion modelling agencies are looking for the same aspects and features. Different modelling agencies employ differently sized models to emphasize different looks for their advertisement campaigns. What do all this mean? Why, do you think, are there…


    Photography As A Career In Fashion

    Author: fashion model Fat pay cheques, an opportunity to rub shoulders with glamorous models and hobnobbing with some of the rich and famous might be the dream of many a young shutterbug. But, it can turn out to be hard to get to the golden staircases of the big wig fashion houses and designer magazines. For every one talented or compelling photographer, hundreds or thousands are left waiting at the pavement, only to dream about that splendid moment when their photograph will be picked out and chosen for the project. For the novice photographer and who has just commenced a career in fashion picture photography, some tips can prove to…