A simply delightful series of illustrations by the talented artist Allister Lee, aptly titled “Flip Flop,” captures a charming selection of throwback vintage dollar store sandals discovered in a myriad of locations throughout California, including the vibrant Chinatown, San Francisco and beyond. Each playful illustration is a masterful representation of these everyday objects, expertly capturing their unique character and charm while pulling on our nostalgic heart strings. “I like finding graphic inspiration in unlikely places and I found these ubiquitous Chinatown staples to be a great mix of quirk and wonk as subject matter.” – Allister See the series Flip Flop below:
Viktor & Rolf Haute Couture S/S 2015 Paris
Summer ready with extreme straw hats. Everyone is always hating on flip-flops, but this season Viktor & Rolf brought them to the Haute Couture Paris runways.
Michael Sontag S/S 2015 Berlin Fashion Week
Normcore at its peak. I’m down for the Normcore train, someone sign me up. This collection fell in-between the ugly cool category. Which Turned out pretty cool. Because if you think it’s ugly… ” uhm you just don’t get it.” Specific highlights in this Michael Sontag collection are the full length dresses (especially the blue dress) and white flip flops. source: