The mermaid/merman fantasy lifestyle is more obtainable than you might think. No there still isn’t a way to have gills BUT you can now have your custom beautifully mad mermaid tail. Founded by Mermaid enthusiast Eric Ducharme Mertailor provides all his customers with his passion and appreciation for the aquatic creature. Resulting in the best of Mertails and more. Mertailor offers: Mermaid Flippers Custom Designs Merch Options
Myth As Object by Cameron Stalheim
“Stemming from my experience as a gay male from the Midwest and transitioning into the gay culture of the east coast, this sculpture, the first in a new series of work, questions the relationship between fantasy, reality and the objectification that happens in between.” A hauntingly beautiful mythical sculpture exploring sexuality, fantasy and life transitions. Made from Plastic, Foam, Steel, & Acrylic. Myth As Object by Cameron Stalheim