Cindy Wright is a Belgian painter whose hyperrealistic works blur the boundaries between beauty and the grotesque. Renowned for her provocative still lifes, Wright captures unsettling yet captivating depictions of...
Illustrations on Skulls by DZO Olivier
A morbidly beautiful series by French artist DZO Olivier where animal skulls are manipulated and become sculptures by placing black ink beastlike illustraions. See the series below:
Surreal Sculptures by Alessandro Boezio
Slightly morbid surreal sculpture installations by artist Alessandro Boezio presenting combinations and retractions familiar limbs. See some selected works below:
Feed Your Morbid Sweet Tooth
Human cakes to dissect and devour. From dead baby heads to a dead mans body at the morgue. Macabre centric culinary artists at Conjurer’s Kitchen know how to make you feel cannibalistic. See some of their works below:
Morbid or Awesome, 3D Babies …
Morbid or awesome, I can’t decide. A new interesting product has hit the ever bloated pregnancy market, an actual 3-d tangible print of yours, or whomsoever’s unborn baby. Yes, this is true. The company 3DBabies provides the service for around 600 dollars for a mini pre birthed being. Do you set it on the nightstand? Do you think this could replace the nostalgia ultra sound ? Is This how people way back in the day felt when ultrasounds came out? A weird sense of taboo surrounding something like a little baby life. Imagine giving this as a gift to someone. A fetus in a box … But I’m not going…