Paintings by Artist April Kamunde

    April Kamunde, a Nairobi-born artist, immerses herself in the world of oils, skillfully crafting paintings that weave intricate narratives of personal significance. Drawing from her own life experiences, Kamunde’s art transcends the boundaries of the individual and taps into the collective, aiming to ignite meaningful dialogues. In her recent artistic endeavors, she delves into the profound concept of rest, viewed through a feminist lens. The inspiration behind Kamunde’s exploration of rest stems from a deep-seated weariness, instigated by the pandemic’s tumultuous impact and the relentless pursuit of success and fulfillment in an ever-evolving world. Within the vibrant and fast-paced setting of Nairobi, a city perpetually on the move, these challenges…

  • ART

    Adrift by artist Kayla Mahaffey

    “seeing the struggle and the support from the community made my work evolve to a concept that is personal to me. I continue to further my technique, and creativity in my field in order to paint a beautiful picture of a new world for those around me. Living in our society can be tough and most of the time we have to make the best of it. A wild imagination can take you so far, but at the end of the day we need to realize and observe the world around us. And the world around us is where I find my inspiration to paint. Colorful paintings that contain hints…

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    Paintings by Nicola Samorì

    Italian artist Nicola expands on his dark and somtimes morbid art by stating: “My work stems from fear: fear of the body, of death, of men. I think my nature as an artist is something like feeling hopeless. Works are just temporary shelters and painting is a leisure place where you can conceal yourself.” -Nicola Samori

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    A Utopia Where The Problems Are Not Fixed by Kaili Smith

    “A utopia where the problems are not fixed. That sentiment encompasses both my painting & film practice. I grew up in the Netherlands & Australia, both times in diverse inner-city areas. In my works I recreate a world that is based on the youth culture in these environments. From mundane scenarios of friendships & connectivity, other works look at the perspectives of young people growing up in environments where they face criminality around them, showing both children simply getting by in these environments or ones who have become involved. The idea of utopia is based around the loyalty, trust and love built within this imperfect environment, as well as one’s…

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    Balancing Act by Artist Martine Johanna

    “Her heroines visibly grapple with the weight and tension of the expectations that society has placed on them. The figures’ internal dilemmas, made visible through concentrated facial expressions and calculated postures, spill into their surroundings, manifesting in rainbows, fractured and hemorrhaging color fields, and even levitating objects.”

  • ART

    Paintings by Shaina McCoy

    Textured portrait paintings depicting the simplicities of life love and culture by Minneapolis-based artist Shaina Maccoy. Leaving the faces empty for self placing interpretation. See some selected works below: