Amie Dicke's latest portrait series, "She’s Not There," captivates viewers with its intriguing interplay of visibility and obscurity. The artwork subtly suggests the human form, veiled by...
Art by Eugene Gull
«Creation through drawing is the most powerful manifestation of a person as an individual. But this task can be very difficult. Especially if your
Paintings by Artist April Kamunde
April Kamunde, a Nairobi-born artist, immerses herself in the world of oils, skillfully crafting paintings that weave intricate narratives of personal significance. Drawing from her own life experiences, Kamunde’s art transcends the boundaries of the individual and taps into the collective, aiming to ignite meaningful dialogues. In her recent artistic endeavors, she delves into the profound concept of rest, viewed through a feminist lens. The inspiration behind Kamunde’s exploration of rest stems from a deep-seated weariness, instigated by the pandemic’s tumultuous impact and the relentless pursuit of success and fulfillment in an ever-evolving world. Within the vibrant and fast-paced setting of Nairobi, a city perpetually on the move, these challenges…
Portrait Art by Adriana Lozano Roman
Adriana Lozano Roman is an artist originally from Colombia, currently based in Atlanta. Her unique style of portraiture is deeply rooted in the practice of closely observing the world around her, and drawing inspiration from the small details and idiosyncrasies of everyday life. Through this intimate exercise of observation, Roman creates charming and captivating portraits that offer a glimpse into the personalities and inner worlds of her subjects. Their use of bold colors and identifiable objects that are specific to each subject. By incorporating these personalized elements into her compositions, she is able to create a sense of connection and familiarity between the viewer and the subject of the portrait.…