Paul Thek “The Tomb (frequently called Death of a Hippie)”

    Paul Thek – The Tomb (1967) “Officially Paul Thek died in 1988, ma in realtà è morto due volte. In 1967 ha concepito La tomba (frequently called Death of a Hippie) – la somma di un decennio, un ethos culturale, e una carriera. Era il pezzo che non ha mai vissuto in giù e non ha mai vissuto fino a. Thek divenne il profeta riluttante del fallimento della controcultura idealismo e non riusciva a riconquistare l'intensità tragicomica di The Tomb oi suoi Reliquiari tecnologici, sculture in cera di carne cruda e parti del corpo racchiuse in vetrine”. “La tomba consisteva in un piano alto, rosa pallido struttura che ricorda una ziggurat sumerico, all'interno del quale c'era un full-size, effigie accuratamente artigianale di Thek se stesso. Painted rosa pallido, il replicante…

  • "For the first part of this series, Wright created a mould in the form of an L-shaped suburban dwelling, and set out a series of sand castles on his local beach. This scale-model suburbia was washed away by the tide, which perhaps urges us to consider the relative transience of so solid a symbol of the American dream, particularly since the 2007 subprime mortgage collapse. " Dichiarazione dell'artista: "In Master Plan, I am conflating a child’s sandcastle with architecture typifying postwar American suburbia. This three-part series culls artifacts from my childhood, indagando suburbia nella sua visione e legacy.Phase ci si concentra sulla casa tratto prodotto in serie, re-examining it as symbol for the model American Dream.”

    Chad Wright – Master Plan

    “For the first part of this series, Wright created a mould in the form of an L-shaped suburban dwelling, and set out a series of sand castles on his local beach. This scale-model suburbia was washed away by the tide, which perhaps urges us to consider the relative transience of so solid a symbol of the American dream, particularly since the 2007 subprime mortgage collapse. “ Dichiarazione dell'artista: “Nel piano generale, I am conflating a child’s sandcastle with architecture typifying postwar American suburbia. This three-part series culls artifacts from my childhood, indagando suburbia nella sua visione e legacy.Phase ci si concentra sulla casa tratto prodotto in serie, rivedendolo come simbolo per il modello americano…


    Musica Video Recensione: Lana Del Rey – West Coast (Official Audio)

    (We’ve already gone how we feel about the song, see that here.) The official music video was released. It’s not much of a step away from the lyric video previously released. It just displays a few more scenes with her and an older rich looking man. Showing how she’s seduced by the glamor of the West coast and how she has to choose between her current lover and the coast.

  • Villaggio di scultori

    Chiara Goia – Scultori Village '

    Serie dei fotografi Chiara Goia titolo “Villaggio di Scultore” ha dimostrato il lavoro e la maestria di un mongolo villaggio dedicato nella produzione di massa e la replica statue popolari. Se non fosse per le persone che si potrebbe supporre questi dove fotografato in bianco e nero. Chiara Goia – Scultori Village '

  • amore sirena

    A Mermaid Amore

    These photographs depicts a love story between a mermaid saved by a man from sewage, e anche come non tutte le storie finiscono per sempre felici e contenti. Fotografata da Anton Konashuck Anton Konashuk Photography