Ikenaga Yasunari - L'arte giapponese di Nihonga Redefined

    “Using the simplicity of Indian ink and linen canvas Ikenaga Yasunari has captured a simple serenity in the the faces of his female portraits.This calm sensuality is highlighted by the richness of their surroundings. Yasunari’s Japanese heritage has inspired a style of painting which is characteristic in his work. This ancient technique of Nihonga is a traditional Japanese art form using a Menso brush and ink. With this Yasunari has successfully captured an essence of the past with a pallet of muted tones , but has injecting a modern twist to each piece with his use of pattern and cloth.” fonte:

  • kate moss


    Steven Klein pellicole e fotografie di Alexander McQueen nuova campagna, con Kate Moss“Inspiration comes from the many progressive art movements of the early Twentieth Century – a mix of primitive shapes, graphic forms and bold colour. There is a suggestion of the clean lines and the dropped waist of the 1920s in places. Kilts, leggings, biker jackets, boxy coats and tunic tops all feature with a nod to uniform and sportswear. Shoulders are relaxed. Inner structures are absent and garments are finished with laser cutting so that they are eased and light. Metal embellishment, jewellery, e le rifiniture con zip multiple invecchiate ricordano oggetti trovati come i braccialetti pesanti…


    William-Adolphe Bouguereau Paintings animata

    Look at these beautiful paintings from William Adolphe Bougueraeu come to life with animation. “William-Adolphe Bouguereau novembre 30, 1825 – August 19, 1905) was a French academic painter and traditionalist. In his realistic genre paintings he used mythological themes, making modern interpretations of classical subjects, with an emphasis on the female human body. During his life he enjoyed significant popularity in France and the United States, was given numerous official honors, and received top prices for his work. As the quintessential salon painter of his generation, he was reviled by the Impressionist avant-garde. By the early twentieth century, Bouguereau and his art fell out of favor with the public, dovuto…

  • ART,  Varie.

    Artista: Megan Mitchell

    Al primo aspetto si potrebbe rapidamente voler guardare lontano, ma se guardi da vicino vedrai la bellissima opera d'arte di Megan Mitchell. Ha quello che sembra un progetto artistico in corso la visualizzazione scene del decadimento corpo umano, raffigurato con qualcosa di diverso sangue.   fonte: Megan Mitchell. Arte.

  • 3d bambino
    ART,  CULTURA,  Varie.

    Morbid or Awesome, 3D Babies …

    Morbid or awesome, I can’t decide. A new interesting product has hit the ever bloated pregnancy market, an actual 3-d tangible print of yours, or whomsoever’s unborn baby. Sì, this is true. La società 3DBabies fornisce il servizio per circa 600 dollars for a mini pre birthed being. Do you set it on the nightstand? Do you think this could replace the nostalgia ultra sound ? Is This how people way back in the day felt when ultrasounds came out? A weird sense of taboo surrounding something like a little baby life. Imagine giving this as a gift to someone. Un feto in una scatola ... Ma non vado…


    'RALLEGRATEVI! I nostri tempi sono INTOLLERABILE '. Jenny Holzer E LE SUE '15 SAGGI infiammatorie " 1979-82

    “Nei suoi primi anni come artista, Jenny Holzer ha iniziato a lavorare con il testo come strumento per manipolare il linguaggio della cultura pop mentre produceva commenti politici. Il suo lavoro consisteva di solito da dichiarazioni aggressive lo scopo di spingere lo spettatore passivo in un atto di interrogatorio. I suoi "Saggi infiammatorie", una serie di 15 (di più?) manifesti l'artista prodotta tra 1979 e 1982, sono stati incollati sui muri in tutte le aree densamente popolate di New York City. Le dichiarazioni anonime sono state influenzate da importanti figure politiche come Emma Goldman, Mao Tse-Tung, e Vladimir Lenin e, although they show eye-catching colors, hanno condiviso pensieri abbastanza provocatorie. In una dichiarazione fornita dallo studio Holzer, i Saggi sull'Infiammazione sono descritti come “a…

  • ART

    "Ho cercato di dipingere su tela : pugni erano pennelli & sangue era l'olio. "

    Bella performance art che vi intrighi voi e ti fanno sussultare. "Ho cercato di dipingere su tela : pugni erano pennelli & sangue era l'olio. " “Questo pezzo è in realtà la mia prima performance. Il mio obiettivo era quello di usare il mio corpo come è realmente : un materiale. Così ho fondevo un canva e un pezzo di tessuto impermeabile in cui ho tagliato un cerchio. In questo modo, tutto quello che dovevo fare era di colpire la tela con i pugni, più forte possibile per dipingere il cerchio con il mio sangue. Ho scelto la forma geometrica del cerchio, perché in questo lavoro, Volevo mostrare ciò che l'uomo è in grado di fare…

  • ART

    Cucite a mano ritratti di David Catá

    Hand Sewn portraits by David Catá Does love really have to hurt? According to artist David Catá it obviously does. The Spanish artist uses his body as a canvas, writing an autobiographical diary. In his ongoing series ‘A Flor De Piel’, he embroiders portraits of people who have influenced or marked his life – family, friends, teachers, lovers, partners – sewn into the palm of his hand. Fonte David Catá:

  • ART,  Varie.

    Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared 2 – TIME

    The makers of the famously disturbing surreal video” Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared” have come out with a new video, “Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared 2- TIME” The video explains the subject of time wrapped up in what it seems like a child like performance. Even though this time around you have an idea what will end up happening, it’s still great seeing the video spiral somewhere uncomfortable.