A Janitor Secretly Worked On This For 7 Years. No One Knew Til Now… And It’s Baffling Everyone.

    Over 30 anni fa, a man spent 7 years hand-drawing the most complex, unbelievable and probably unsolvable maze I’ve ever seen. His daughter recently posted the following photos on Twitter and, needless to say, the entire Internet is exploding with questions about her dad. So who is the man behind it? A professor? A mathematician? A wizard? Non, non, and no. The correct answer is… the university janitor. The maze is 34 x 23.3-inches. Twitter user Kya7y’s dad, who was a janitor at a university in Japan, spent more than 7 anni di lavoro su questo… Fino a questo punto, è rimasto completamente anonimo e non vuole alcun riconoscimento pubblico per il suo…

  • ART

    I modelli Real Life di Flora Borsi

    See artist Flora Borsi explore the curiosity behind paintings. Tipo di inquietante ma molto interessante.   “Al giorno d'oggi quasi tutti i fotografi utilizzano software di grafica per completare l'immagine, come molti pittori usati 'versione originale' in passato. Alcuni artisti usano pura fantasia per dipingere le loro opere d'arte, altri potrebbero preferire creare arte utilizzando un modello di vita reale come riferimento per l'anatomia. What if these abstract models were real people?” – Flora Borsi source:   Articoli correlati Foto affascinanti delle modelle che hanno ispirato opere d'arte famose nascoste in bella vista. Flora Borsi

  • ART

    Li Hongbo Incredibile Paper Sculptures

    When we think of creating art with paper we tend to think towards 2d and at the very most some origami. Chinese artist Li Hongbo has a particular sculpture medium is paper. He’s created structures and sculptures that seem solid but once you play around with it realize that it can morph and stretch into different shapes and sizes, creating an almost dreamlike optical illusion to normal objects. “My interest in paper began when I published books. When it came to design, I had to consider paper — what type of paper suited which book,” Li states. His curiosity lead to intriguing artistic outlet. Guarda il video qui sotto a…


    Claire Boucher (Grimes) Arte

    Canadian indie artist Claire Boucher, better known as her stage name Grimes has more ways to express herself other than music. Something we didn’t know was she actually makes awesome illustrations. Check out these photos from a gallery show she had in NYC. A closer look at Claire Bouchers artwork.   Fonte:


    Yves Saint Laurent S / S 1999 campagna fotografata da Mario Sorrenti

    Looking back on this amazing body of work. Think of the time and effort that were put into these pieces inspired by historical classic paintings.   Yves Saint Laurent S / S 1999 campagna fotografata da Mario Sorrenti, inspired by classical paintings 1. Venus au miroir, Velazquez, 1649-51 2. Olympia, Manet, 1863 3. Gabrielle d’Estrées et une de ses soeurs, Unknown artist, circa 1594 4. Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vinci, 1504-1518 5. Le déjeuner sur l’herbe (The Luncheon on the Grass), Edouard Manet, 1862 6. Jeune homme nu assis au bord de la mer, Hippolyte Flandrin, 1836 7. Madeleine à la Veilleuse, Georges de La Tour, 1776-1780 8. Le verrou, Fragonard, 1780